Policy Revisions
In General:
Employees are required to read the WCB Best Practices for Re-opening and indicate in their Department’s Logbook that they have done so with a witness signature BEFORE they return to work once we are Re-Opened on May 19, 2020. This will be an admission so that all other staff can see you understand all the new policies we are discussing at the pre-opening meeting, Friday, May 15, 2020. An additional form will be created to outline all the items you are now to follow. Signing that form will be your acknowledgment that fully understand all the new responsibilities and procedures we are now putting into place. Every Employee must understand what the Coronavirus is and how to determine how the disease is spread and what symptoms a person would be displaying should they have contracted COVID-19.
Everyone who owns a cell phone must download the App from This is a Support App as well as a Self Assessment Tool which you must perform every day before you leave home for work. No one is to come to work sick (no cold, no sniffles, no cough, no fever, etc.). If you feel like you have contracted the virus you must contact your health professional immediately and stay home until it is determined you either do not have the virus or you are healthy enough to return to work. If you do contract the virus you MUST advise Dana or Don immediately.
Arriving to work:
Front of the House – by the left front door (as seen from the bar perspective)
Back of the House – by the kitchen entrance only.
All Staff needing Masks/Gloves to report to the door of Kitchen (to receive instructions on Use and Care)
Leaving work:
All Staff - by the left front door (as seen from the bar).
New Position:
Health & Safety Assurance - Disinfection- one person to be responsible for cleaning all tables; chairs; stools & benches; surfaces; window sills; door handles/pulls; tv’s; lottery equipment; bathroom, etc in the front of the house on a regular basis; this person will also be the one to deliver food to tables.
The same person will be responsible for cleaning & disinfecting whatever the kitchen staff are unable to do while they are working; this person will also be the person to package & hand take out orders to people picking food up as well as clearing tables (dirty dish handling).
Initially this person’s hours will be determined by the number of customers we get. The extra duties include regular sweeping floors and generally keeping busy cleaning & disinfecting.
If this person is sent home early, the duties will be performed by the staff member in each department.
Not permitted to enter the building.
Drop off will be at the Kitchen Door; notice if they are wearing gloves or masks.
Another Drop Off Area is Pub Office Back Door or Pub Cooler Back Door.
Receiving Staff members should be wearing gloves to put stock away.
Use your own Pen to sign for it not theirs. Put stock away.
What is The Grand Pub & Grill as your Employer done to make the above possible?
We have purchased Disinfection Liquid and Spray Bottles, PPE such as reusable masks (you will be responsible to wash them daily) and gloves. All products have been approved by Health Canada.
We are putting up directional signs, distancing signs and floor decals or markers to indicate how we need people to move around in the Pub; outside wait area markers. We are putting up a reduced occupancy sign of 50 (and that includes employees). The Floor Plan will be modified to reflect the new seating plan.
To try to ensure that we can determine how busy we are going to be, we have advertised that we are opening on May 19, 12-8:30 (no service after 9 pm – everyone out by 9:30) daily, and are recommending that people make reservations. People are now permitted to come in groups up to 6 people. We have spatially set out tables to ensure special distancing. We have removed chairs from tables that people may NOT use, and we have put up plexi-glass between the bar & back bar. If people know each other they are permitted to sit beside each other at the bar (same as at tables). Plexi is also being put up between the desks in the Office. Reservation signs will be used at tables not being used. The pool table will not be in use for now. All Table Tents must be removed from the tables for the time being. We are putting baby wipes beside the Keno & Pull-Tab Machines to encourage customers to wipe them after they use the machines.
We are having a new website designed as well as a Menu App where people will be able to order on-line. Very soon our guests will be able to order their meals from the table, as well as for take-out, delivery & curbside delivery. This will be a bit of a learning curve, but it will be fun & interesting. The website will be interactive as well.
Only 1 person is permitted in the washrooms at a time. A sign will be posted outside the door asking patrons to knock.
What will Grand Pub & Grill Employees be required to do?
Arrive well groomed, hair, uniform etc. Maintain happy disposition. In order for us to succeed during this world crisis, we must re-gain the respect of our customers.
Educate yourself on the Virus. If someone comes in wearing a mask – you have the right to ask them to remove it so you can see who they are, and ask for ID. You have the right to refuse service to anyone you think is ill.
Make sure you are using proper hand washing technique (20 seconds) & using disinfectant.
Manage a new Reservation/Waitlist/Take Out/Delivery System on the iPad we will be using.
Manage the cleaning log. All Condiment Carriers & S & P, Vinegar & Ketchup bottles disinfected after each use, Trays disinfected more regularly, water changed in glasswasher & constant water testing & ensuring the chemicals are full.
Ensure that the parking and sidewalk areas are clear of debris (use gloves please) and that all bin lids are closed at all times (includes grease bin as well).
Janitorial Staff:
Usual duties but now you must ensure that you are using the new disinfecting cleaners.
Are responsible for complete cleaning of all surfaces both in the pub & in the kitchen areas.
Ensure that the parking and sidewalk areas are clear of debris (use gloves please) and that all bin lids are closed at all times (includes grease bin as well).